Evidence Informed Approaches
Supporting Literature
Literature Review
Berry Street commissioned Adventure Works Ltd to undertake a literature review of outdoor adventure interventions for disadvantaged young people. This report provides information for other organisations choosing to use outdoor adventures as an intervention with this target group. It offers a synthesis and summary of Australian and international literature on uses of outdoor adventures as an intervention with young people aged 13 to 18 who have experienced adversities, including potential or known trauma.

Healing properties of Nature
American Psychological Association
Nurtured by nature - Psychological research is advancing our understanding of how time in nature can improve our mental health and sharpen our cognition
Outdoors Queensland
10 Reasons why being outside is a big deal
The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley
Six Ways Nature Helps Children Learn

Adventure Therapy with Youth
Wilderness adventure therapy effects on the mental health of youth participants
Nature based adventure therapy is helping people heal

Books about Adventure and Nature Based Therapy
Adventure Group Psychotherapy: An Experiential Approach to Treatment (2021) Alvarez, Stauffer, Lung, Sacksteder, Beale & Tucker
Adventure Therapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 2nd ed (2020) Gass, Gillis & Russell
Power of One: Using Adventure and Experiential Activities within One on One Counseling Sessions (2008) Lung, Stauffer Alvarez
Power of Family: An Experiential Approach to Family Treatment (2015) Lung, Stauffer, Alvarez & Conway
Healing in Action: Adventure-Based Counseling with Therapy Groups (2018) Straus
Nature-Based Therapy: A Practitioner’s Guide to Working Outdoors with Children, Youth, and Families (2019) Harper, Rose & Segal
Exploring Islands of Healing: New Perspectives on Adventure Based Counseling (2002) Schoel & Maizell